Pool & Spa Waterproofing and Restoration
Executive Viewpoint
Bringing Professionalism to the Pool and Spa Industry
Trevor Foster, Western Director of Sales at Miracote, talks about Miracote’s dynamic systems approach to waterproofing and restoration.
Fast Facts
Miracote Pool & Spa Waterproofing FAQs
How is Miracote transforming waterproofing in the pool and spa industry? What sets the Miracote waterproofing system apart from other treatments?
Industry Perspective
Upping the Quality
After several years of stagnant market growth, the pool industry is set to rebound. According to a recent report distributed by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals, owners installed more than 400,000 pools, above-ground pools, and hot tubs in 2015, which is about a 1.5 percent increase from 2014. Hidden in these overall market statistics, industry observers report real market growth for high-end pools, spas, and water features.
Pool & Spa News
What are Consumers Thinking?
Potential home buyers are in the “cautiously optimistic” mode right now, and that’s actually good news for builders of homes and pools because the fates of both are intertwined.
Pros Talk Waterproofing Pools and Spas
With ever more complicated pools and spas, waterproofing continues to confound.